PS5: will Horizon 2 also be announced tonight?

PS5: will Horizon 2 also be announced tonight?

During the hours that separate us from the start of the PS5 game presentation event, several clues began to appear on the net by insiders and insiders on the titles that will be announced. In addition to a possible announcement of Warner Bros Montréal's new Batman and a new main chapter of Crash Bandicoot, in the last few hours the composer of the Horizon Zero Dawn soundtrack seems to have winked at fans of the Sony console.

Joris de Man, has in fact published a new tweet on his profile in which he declared to be particularly enthusiastic about what will happen tonight. Obviously the musician limited himself to inviting the players to follow the event tonight dedicated to PS5, leaving that veil of mystery on what will be shown specifically that excites him so much. The fans' thoughts immediately lingered on the sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn, a possible launch title for Sony's next gen console.

Excited! Wonder what they will be showing today… .. :)

- Joris de Man (@jorisdemanmusic) June 11, 2020

Joris de Man has previously collaborated with Guerrilla Games in practically all the titles produced, from the Killzone saga to Horizon Zero Dawn and its DLC The Frozen Wilds. This immediately made us think of a possible announcement relating to the post apocalyptic and sci-fi open world sequel released in 2017.

To have the confirmation of the ìesistenza of a possible Horizon Zero Dawn 2, we do not have to asepettare much. The event dedicated to the games PS5 The Future of Gaming is expected for this evening at 22:00, Italian time. Please note that you can follow the show with our editorial on the YouTube channel of Tom's Hardware. What do you think of the tweet Joris de Man? Do you believe that the time has come to witness the announcement of Horizon 2? Tell us yours in the comments section.

Waiting for the ads tonight, you can acquisatre Horizon Zero Dawn on Amazon at this address .