PS5: 'basic' version and with 2TB SSD appear on Amazon UK at a prohibitive price

PS5: 'basic' version and with 2TB SSD appear on Amazon UK at a prohibitive price

The well-known insider known on social media as Wario64 has found two cards for the pre-orders of PlayStation 5 on the pages of the Amazon UK digital store. The first card refers to the "basic" version with 825 GB SSD, while the second refers to the user to a "premium" version with 2 TB SSD.

The two pages that appeared for a few minutes on Amazon UK, and were promptly removed, did not present any product description or promotional image. The only indications provided were those on the cutting of the solid state memory integrated in the nextgen console and the price, set for both systems at £ 599.99.

The price in placeholder chosen by the curators of the digital store, at the current exchange rate, it would correspond to 674.08 euros, a very high sum for a home-based platform. The rumors collected by Wario64 help to reinforce the recent rumors about the PS5 Premium version available from the end of 2020, however denying the part of those same rumors that indicated a launch price not exceeding € 499.99.

In commenting on the discovery of the dual card in placeholder on Amazon UK's PS5, the other famous "deep throat" of the gaming industry, Nibellion, also explains that "those two lists of PlayStation 5 consoles that are circulating are probably inaccurate" . While waiting to know the official price of PlayStation 5, we remind you that at 22:00 tomorrow, Thursday 11 June, we will attend the event on PS5 games and we will organize a PS5-themed marathon on Twitch for the occasion that will already start from 14:00.